The Mortal World

Lately I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. About life, people, world. Those thoughts are keep playing in my mind. And flatten my feelings which I think it’s good for me. It is much better when I have flat feelings than other feelings.

I wondered, why there are still people who tend to impose the will of others? Why is there still a group of people who think the choice would be one thing better than the options set by someone else? I was thinking, why in this modern age, there are still people who glorify racism and discrimination, puts ego over the suffering of others? And why the difference in social status, age, religion, and the issue of trust can not be ruled out?

But then, I realized (like suddenly awakened from my reverie), that’s human. That’s life. That’s the world. The world is often not fair to you. The world will treat you with cruelty and sweetness. Alternately changed like the seasons. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or you don’t want it, all the feelings and circumstances  must to be faced, swallowed up and lived.

No one will live forever anyway.

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